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ada code for bridge sectioning

505.7.2 Non-Circular Cross Sections. Objects are permitted to protrude a distance of 25 inches (635 mm) maximum along the front of the wheelchair space, where located more than 27 inches (685 mm) above the floor or ground surface of the wheelchair space. 206.2.5 Restaurants and Cafeterias. The International Symbol of TTY shall comply with Figure 703.7.2.2. The floor or ground surface of the ramp run or landing shall extend 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beyond the inside face of a handrail complying with 505. Within play areas, ramps connecting ground level play components and ramps connecting elevated play components shall comply with 1008.2.5. Advisory 810.6 Rail Station Signs Exception. A means for visually identifying a visitor without opening the residential dwelling unit entry door shall be provided and shall allow for a minimum 180 degree range of view. EXCEPTION: Slopes not steeper than 1:48 shall be permitted. Unless specifically stated otherwise, figures are provided for informational purposes only. 201.2 Application Based on Building or Facility Use. All public telephones shall have volume controls complying with 704.3. Spacing between individual characters shall be 10 percent minimum and 35 percent maximum of character height. 505.10.3 Bottom Extension at Stairs. In alterations where it is technically infeasible to comply with 603, altering existing toilet or bathing rooms shall not be required where a single unisex toilet room or bathing room complying with 213.2.1 is provided and located in the same area and on the same floor as existing inaccessible toilet or bathing rooms. In restaurants and cafeterias, an accessible route shall be provided to all dining areas, including raised or sunken dining areas, and outdoor dining areas. In addition, where accessible unload areas also serve as accessible load areas, signs indicating the location of the accessible load and unload areas shall be provided at entries to queues and waiting lines. There shall be a clearance of 1 1/2 inches (38 mm) minimum below the grab bar. Where sleeping rooms are altered or added, the requirements of 223 shall apply only to the sleeping rooms being altered or added until the number of sleeping rooms complies with the minimum number required for new construction. The rear wall grab bar shall be 36 inches (915 mm) long minimum and extend from the centerline of the water closet 12 inches (305 mm) minimum on one side and 24 inches (610 mm) minimum on the other side. In addition, required roll-in shower compartments shall comply with 608.2.2 or 608.2.3. Where facilities with residential dwelling units are provided by entities subject to regulations issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, such entities shall provide residential dwelling units with mobility features complying with 809.2 through 809.4 in a number required by the applicable HUD regulations. Where pictograms are provided as designations of permanent interior rooms and spaces, the pictograms shall comply with 703.6 and shall have text descriptors complying with 703.2 and 703.5. Characters shall not be italic, oblique, script, highly decorative, or of other unusual forms. 603.1 General. In other transportation facilities, public address systems shall comply with 810.7 and clocks shall comply with 810.8. Advisory 304.2 Floor or Ground Surface Exception. Landings subject to wet conditions shall be designed to prevent the accumulation of water. 407.3 Elevator Door Requirements. A side-wall grab bar complying with 604.5.1 shall be provided on both sides of the compartment. 407.4.6.4 Emergency Controls. 206.2.1 Site Arrival Points. 204.1 General. 219.3 Receivers. Guest rooms required to provide communication features shall comply with 806.3. Advisory 216.3 Directional and Informational Signs. Diagonal or corner type curb ramps with returned curbs or other well-defined edges shall have the edges parallel to the direction of pedestrian flow. 1006.3 Golf Car Passages. 404.2.3 Clear Width. Where four or more public pay telephones are provided on a floor of a private building, at least one public TTY shall be provided on that floor. A building or facility containing one or more guest room(s) for sleeping that provides accommodations that are primarily short-term in nature. Handrail gripping surfaces shall have a cross section complying with 505.7.1 or 505.7.2. Because of the social interaction that often occurs in lodging facilities, an accessible clear opening width is required for doors and doorways to and within all guest rooms, including those not required to be accessible. 215.2 Public and Common Use Areas. Generally, toilet rooms in a cluster are within sight of, or adjacent to, one another. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Transfer platforms shall be provided where transfer is intended from wheelchairs or other mobility aids. A button or switch shall be provided outside the residential dwelling unit primary entrance. The display screen shall comply with 707.7. An entrance intended primarily for delivery of goods or services. Coat hooks provided within the room shall be located within one of the reach ranges specified in 308. 206.2.12 Court Sports. EXCEPTION: A fixed shower head located at 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the shower finish floor shall be permitted instead of a hand-held spray unit in facilities that are not medical care facilities, long-term care facilities, transient lodging guest rooms, or residential dwelling units. Accessible routes serving play areas shall comply with Chapter 4 and 1008.2 and shall be permitted to use the exceptions in 1008.2.1 through 1008.2.3. Raised thresholds and changes in level at doorways shall comply with 302 and 303. 410.6 Doors and Gates. The minimum clear width for automatic door systems in a doorway shall be based on the clear opening provided by all leaves in the open position. 213.2.1 Unisex (Single-Use or Family) Toilet and Unisex Bathing Rooms. The cross slope specified in 403.3 and 405.3 for gangways, transition plates, and floating piers that are part of accessible routes shall be measured in the static position. 1009.5.4 Transfer Steps. The leading edge of such guardrail or barrier shall be located 27 inches (685 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. 101.2 Effect on Removal of Barriers in Existing Facilities. Access aisles are required to be nearly level in all directions to provide a surface for wheelchair transfer to and from vehicles. In detention and correctional facilities, where at least one pay telephone is provided in a secured area used only by detainees or inmates and security personnel, at least one TTY shall be provided in at least one secured area. Transfer walls shall comply with 1009.4. These regulations adopted revised, enforceable accessibility standards called the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design 2010 Standards or Standards. Hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, psychiatric facilities and detoxification facilities shall comply with 223.2. Advisory 1002.6 Transfer Devices for Use with Amusement Rides. 809.5.1.1 Alarm Appliances. The centerline of the water closet shall be 16 inches (405 mm) minimum to 18 inches (455 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition, except that the water closet shall be 17 inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum from the side wall or partition in the ambulatory accessible toilet compartment specified in 604.8.2. Bus shelters shall be connected by an accessible route complying with 402 to a boarding and alighting area complying with 810.2. Building or facility designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage spaces to customers for the purpose of storing and removing personal property on a self-service basis. 206.2 Where Required. Access from site arrival points may include vehicular ways. 403.6 Handrails. If toilet compartments are to be used to house fixtures other than those associated with the water closet, they must be designed to exceed the minimum space requirements. Doors, doorways, and gates providing user passage shall be provided in accordance with 206.5. Full-powered automatic doors shall comply with ANSI/BHMA A156.10 (incorporated by reference, see Referenced Standards in Chapter 1). 904.3.3 Check Writing Surfaces. Any facility, or portion of a facility, located within an amusement park or theme park which provides amusement without the use of an amusement device. Advisory 810.6.2 Routes and Destinations. Both the order and pick-up section of the counter must be accessible. 608.3.2 Standard Roll-In Type Shower Compartments. 407.2.1.3 Clear Floor or Ground Space. A custom designed and constructed ride is new upon its first use, which is the first time amusement park patrons take the ride. The resulting number of wheelchair spaces must be located in no fewer than 20% of the boxes covered by this section. WebAmerican Dental Coders Association 9015 W Union Hills Dr Ste 107 #314 Peoria, AZ 85382 (833) 469-2322 . (B) For the purposes of this section, alterations to windows, hardware, controls, electrical outlets, and signage shall not be deemed to be alterations that affect the usability of or access to an area containing a primary function. The wing or retainer is dental code D6545 for metal and D6548 for porcelain, so think emax or zirconia. The requirement for a pool lift to be independently operable does not preclude assistance from being provided. The clear width of accessible routes connecting elevated play components shall be permitted to be reduced to 32 inches (815 mm) minimum for a distance of 24 inches (610 mm) maximum provided that reduced width segments are separated by segments that are 48 inches (1220 mm) long minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) wide minimum. EXCEPTION: In existing golf courses, the forward teeing ground shall not be required to be one of the teeing grounds on a hole designed and constructed so that a golf car can enter and exit the teeing ground where compliance is not feasible due to terrain. U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, ADA Information Line Nothing in these requirements prevents the use of designs, products, or technologies as alternatives to those prescribed, provided they result in substantially equivalent or greater accessibility and usability. Token collection devices that are designed to accommodate tokens which are perforated can allow a person to distinguish more readily between tokens and common coins. (d) Social service center establishments. Residential dwelling units not required to be accessible in compliance with a standard issued pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, shall not be required to comply with 202.3. These dimensions apply to either forward or side reaches. Grab bars for water closets shall comply with 604.5. The clear floor space shall be positioned for parallel approach to the side of the bed. Where visible doorbell signals are located in sleeping areas, they shall have controls to deactivate the signal. Section uses the terms substantially altered and altered. A substantial alteration to a kitchen or bathroom includes, but is not limited to, alterations that are changes to or rearrangements in the plan configuration, or replacement of cabinetry. The technical requirements are based on adult dimensions and anthropometrics. Ramp runs connecting ground level play components shall have a running slope not steeper than 1:16. 1008.4.4 Entry Points and Seats. 222.2 Coat Hooks and Shelves. The top of the counter edge protection shall be 2 inches (51 mm) maximum above the top of the counter surface on the aisle side of the check-out counter. These terms refer to public transportation services provided by public or private entities, respectively. The width of elevator doors shall comply with Table 407.4.1. 605.4 Flush Controls. Companion seats shall comply with 802.3. 206.8 Security Barriers. Accessible routes serving ground level play components and elevated play components shall be permitted to use the exceptions in 1008.2.1. Accessibility to the sand box would be enhanced by providing a transfer system into the sand or by providing a raised sand table with knee clearance complying with 1008.4.3. In guest rooms required to have accessible communication features, consider ensuring compatibility with adaptive equipment used by people with hearing impairments. 505.10.2 Top Extension at Stairs. Where an alteration includes alterations to an entrance, and the building or facility has another entrance complying with 404 that is on an accessible route, the altered entrance shall not be required to comply with 206.4 unless required by 202.4. Pictograms shall comply with 703.6. Protruding objects on circulation paths shall comply with 307. Where more than the minimum number of drinking fountains specified in 211.2 are provided, 50 percent of the total number of drinking fountains provided shall comply with 602.1 through 602.6, and 50 percent of the total number of drinking fountains provided shall comply with 602.7. Where provided, check-out aisles, sales counters, service counters, food service lines, queues, and waiting lines shall comply with 227 and 904. 504.6 Handrails. 1006.1 General. Floors of amusement rides with wheelchair spaces and floors of load and unload areas shall be coordinated so that, when amusement rides are at rest in the load and unload position, the vertical difference between the floors shall be within plus or minus 5/8 inches (16 mm) and the horizontal gap shall be 3 inches (75 mm) maximum under normal passenger load conditions. In addition, this document includes technical requirements based on childrens dimensions and anthropometrics for drinking fountains, water closets, toilet compartments, lavatories and sinks, dining surfaces, and work surfaces. Only the authorized personnel answering the call can terminate the call. 802.2.2.2 Lines of Sight Between Heads. EXCEPTION: Destination-oriented elevators shall not be required to comply with 407.2.1.4. 216.6 Entrances. 904.4.1 Parallel Approach. Play areas shall comply with 1008. An intermediate level or levels between the floor and ceiling of any story with an aggregate floor area of not more than one-third of the area of the room or space in which the level or levels are located. Handrails shall be provided on both sides of stairs and ramps. Where exceptions for alterations to qualified historic buildings or facilities are permitted by 202.5, an accessible route shall not be required to stories located above or below the accessible story. Control panels shall be on a side wall, 12 inches (305 mm) minimum from any adjacent wall. Visiting areas shall comply with 231.4. In destination-oriented elevators, a display shall be provided in the car with visible indicators to show car destinations. However, in no case may the combined change in level exceed 1/2 inch (13 mm). All other accessible slips are allowed to have the required pier clearance at the head of the slip. 407.4.5 Illumination. Detention facilities include, but are not limited to, jails, detention centers, and holding cells in police stations. 209.2 Type. 810.4 Bus Signs. Additional options such as armrests, head rests, seat belts, and leg support will enhance accessibility and better accommodate people with a wide range of disabilities. Indicators shall be located above the car control panel or above the door. In addition to people who are blind or visually impaired, people with limited reach who use wheelchairs or have short stature, who cannot effectively block the ATM screen with their bodies, may prefer to use speech output. At least one bathroom that is provided as part of a guest room shall comply with 603. Examples of same decor include, but are not limited to, seating at or near windows and railings with views, areas designed with a certain theme, party and banquet rooms, and rooms where entertainment is provided. 503.5 Vertical Clearance. This means that circulation paths, such as vehicular ways designed for pedestrian traffic, walks, and unpaved paths that are designed to be routinely used by pedestrians must be accessible or have an accessible route nearby. What is dental Code D6930? EXCEPTION: Existing manually operated hoistway swing doors shall be permitted provided that they comply with 404.2.3 and 404.2.9. In transfer type shower compartments, thresholds 1/2 inch (13 mm) high maximum shall be beveled, rounded, or vertical. Characters shall be conventional in form. Ramps on accessible routes shall comply with 405. Golf facilities shall comply with 238. Sections 505.2, 505.3, and 505.10 do not apply to handrails provided on walking surfaces with running slopes less than 1:20 as these sections only reference requirements for ramps and stairs. Where emergency warning systems are provided, alarms complying with 702 shall be provided. If that same university also has a football stadium with two press boxes elevated 12 feet (3660 mm) or more above grade and one press box is 250 square feet (23 m2), and the second is 275 square feet (26 m2), then the aggregate area of the football stadium press boxes is more than 500 square feet (46 m2) and Exception 2 does not apply to the football stadium. 808.2 Turning Space. (iii) If providing accessibility in conformance with this section to individuals with certain disabilities (e.g., those who use wheelchairs) would be structurally impracticable, accessibility shall nonetheless be ensured to persons with other types of disabilities, (e.g., those who use crutches or who have sight, hearing, or mental impairments) in accordance with this section. (1) When a commercial facility is located in a private residence, the portion of the residence used exclusively as a residence is not covered by this subpart, but that portion used exclusively in the operation of the commercial facility or that portion used both for the commercial facility and for residential purposes is covered by the new construction and alterations requirements of this subpart. 904.4 Sales and Service Counters. (4) For the purposes of this section, ceremonial groundbreaking or razing of structures prior to site preparation do not commence physical construction or alterations. Catch Pool. Advisory Horizontal Dispersion. Also, avoid violating other building or life safety codes when the door swing is reversed. A public entity that conducts a program to build housing for purchase by individual home buyers must provide access according to the requirements of the ADA regulations and a program receiving Federal financial assistance must comply with the applicable Section 504 regulation. 404.3.1 Clear Width. 1002.5.3 Transfer Entry. The firmer the carpeting and backing, the lower the roll resistance. For example, office buildings may contain a room with exercise equipment to which these sections would apply. 206.4.5 Tenant Spaces. 810.2.4 Slope. Storage elements shall comply with at least one of the reach ranges specified in 308. A ramp or transfer system to the top of the slide is not required. 216.9.2 Directional Signs. The amusement rides that are covered by 234.1 are ones that are not regularly assembled and disassembled. A definable area, such as a room, toilet room, hall, assembly area, entrance, storage room, alcove, courtyard, or lobby. The play areas requirements in this document reference the ASTM F 1487 standard when defining accessible routes that overlap use zones requiring fall attenuating surfaces. 807.2.4 Toilet and Bathing Facilities. These rides are not exempt from the other provisions in 234 requiring an accessible route to the load and unload areas and to the ride. Consider identifying such seats with signs that contrast (light-on-dark or dark-on-light) and that are also photo luminescent. Where separate central holding cells are provided for adult male, juvenile male, adult female, or juvenile female, one of each type shall comply with 807.2. The kitchen work surface shall be 34 inches (865 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground. The transmitters are placed on or next to print signs and transmit their information to an infrared receiver that is held by a person. 309.4 Operation. EXCEPTION: If at least 50 percent of the elevated play components are connected by a ramp and at least 3 of the elevated play components connected by the ramp are different types of play components, the play area shall not be required to comply with Parts creating horizontal or vertical joints in these surfaces shall be within 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) of the same plane as the other. 604.4 Seats. Door and gate closing speed shall comply with 404.2.8. This includes accessible routes provided adjacent to or, where provided, on the playing surface of the hole. Edge protection shall be permitted at the continuous clear openings provided that it is 4 inches (100 mm) high maximum and 2 inches (51 mm) wide maximum. 217.2 Wheelchair Accessible Telephones. American Dental Coders Association 9015 W Union Hills Dr Ste 107 #314 Peoria, AZ 85382 (833) 469-2322 A transfer space of 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum by 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum with a slope not steeper than 1:48 shall be provided at the base of the transfer platform surface and shall be centered along a 24 inch (610 mm) minimum side of the transfer platform. EXCEPTION: Where automatic doors and gates remain open in the power-off condition, compliance with 404.2.4 shall not be required. Where a total of four or fewer parking spaces, including accessible parking spaces, are provided on a site, identification of accessible parking spaces shall not be required. Raised boxing or wrestling rings shall not be required to comply with these requirements or to be on an accessible route. Passenger loading zones shall provide access aisles complying with 503 adjacent to the vehicle pull-up space. Edge protection shall not be required on ramps that are not required to have handrails and have sides complying with 406.3. Lines of sight to the screen, performance area, or playing field for spectators in wheelchair spaces shall comply with 802.2. Facilities with residential dwelling units shall comply with 233. This exception applies where topography or other similar existing site constraints necessitate the use of a platform lift as the only feasible alternative. Where existing toilet rooms or bathing rooms do not comply with 603, directional signs indicating the location of the nearest toilet room or bathing room complying with 603 within the facility shall be provided. Function key surfaces shall have tactile symbols as follows: Enter or Proceed key: raised circle; Clear or Correct key: raised left arrow; Cancel key: raised letter ex; Add Value key: raised plus sign; Decrease Value key: raised minus sign. Residential dwelling units shall comply with 809. Where check-out aisles are dispersed throughout the building or facility, check-out aisles complying with 904.3 shall be dispersed. . Work Area Equipment. EXCEPTION: Where seats are provided, TTYs shall not be required to comply with 704.4.1. Truncated domes in a detectable warning surface shall have a base diameter of 0.9 inch (23 mm) minimum and 1.4 inches (36 mm) maximum, a top diameter of 50 percent of the base diameter minimum to 65 percent of the base diameter maximum, and a height of 0.2 inch (5.1 mm). Each grab bar shall be installed 15 inches (380 mm) maximum from the head end wall and 12 inches (305 mm) maximum from the control end wall. When selecting which aisle seats will meet the requirements of 802.4, those aisle seats which are closest to, not necessarily on, accessible routes must be selected first. Door openings shall provide a clear width of 32 inches (815 mm) minimum. Advisory 240.2.2 Elevated Play Components. 703.2.8 Line Spacing. Facilities that may provide treatment for, but that do not specialize in treatment of such conditions, such as general rehabilitation hospitals, are not subject to this requirement but are subject to Section 223.2.1. Risers shall be 4 inches (100 mm) high minimum and 7 inches (180 mm) high maximum. 804.3.3 Exposed Surfaces. 608.5.3 Alternate Roll-In Type Shower Compartments. Where possible, designers are encouraged to locate the transfer device seat no higher than 17 to 19 inches (430 to 485 mm) above the load and unload surface. 903.7 Wet Locations. EXCEPTION: In existing elevators, a power-operated car door complying with 404.2.3 shall be permitted. Each 10 feet (3050 mm) maximum of linear pier edge serving boat slips shall contain at least one continuous clear opening 60 inches (1525 mm) wide minimum. Where handrail extensions are provided on gangways or transition plates, the handrail extensions shall not be required to be parallel with the ground or floor surface. Dining surfaces and work surfaces shall comply with 902.2 and 902.3. 604.9.6 Dispensers. Self-Service Storage. Extensions shall return to a wall, guard, or the landing surface, or shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent stair flight. Where a circulation path serving boarding platforms crosses tracks, it shall comply with 402. 811.2 Clear Floor or Ground Space. This document does not permit the use of inclined stairway chairlifts which do not provide platforms because such lifts require the user to transfer to a seat. However, for entities covered by the ADA, the Department of Justice regulations that implement the ADA provide additional guidance regarding the relationship between these requirements and elements that are not directly addressed by these requirements. This law covers a variety of products, including computer hardware and software, websites, phone systems, fax machines, copiers, and similar technologies. In addition, a rear-wall grab bar complying with 604.5.2 shall be provided. The ADA and other Federal civil rights laws require that accessible features be maintained in working order so that they are accessible to and usable by those people they are intended to benefit. Accessible routes serving floating boarding piers shall be permitted to use Exceptions 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in 1003.2.1. Where a continuous grab bar is provided, the top of the gripping surface shall be 4 inches (100 mm) minimum and 6 inches (150 mm) maximum above the step nosing and transfer platform. Kyle Summerford helps office managers navigate the tricky world of dental coding. Transfer steps shall be provided where movement is intended from transfer platforms to levels with elevated play components required to be on accessible routes. Existing facilities gripping surfaces shall comply with 302 and 303 more guest room shall comply 806.3... 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ada code for bridge sectioning

ada code for bridge sectioning